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    Personal reflections on speaking with our families Read More

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    The somatic therapist on claiming our belonging, beyond the State. Read More

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    What Do I Do Now? Next Steps And Police Alternatives

    The 18MR team put together a list of resources for you. Whether you’re dealing with difficult “what ifs” about different kinds of crime or ready to jump in and start making your household or family safety plan, there’s a little bit of everything. Read More

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    Call On Me, Not The Cops

    A letter to our aunties, uncles, and family. Read More

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    Reuniting Cambodian refugee deportees

    Families deserve to be together. We need your support to reunite four Cambodian deportees with their families and community. Read More

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    Sonalee Rashatwar shares how they say no to Hindutva in their family and yes to liberated Tinder fucks. vpn数据安全

  • What is Healing for Asian Americans? A Pilot Series

    A series exploring the healing possibilities for Asian America, in the face of American exceptionalism and the model minority myth. Read More

  • Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2024

    Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is here! We've put together a list of some rad APAHM events happening this year for you to check out. Read More



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